You can heal yourself.

Did you know that your body has the innate capacity to heal itself from pain, stress, and trauma? It’s true!

In Yoga, we see that each person has many layers and that at their center, everyone is whole and complete as they are. So rather than trying to "fix" you or cover over your symptoms, we look for ways to remove whatever is blocking you from living your fullness (purna) and ease (sukha). The best part is that we have many doorways we can use to get to that center. All your layers are interconnected, and working on any one of them can effect them all. The best example I can give you is the fact that meditation has been found effective for pain management. This is true because mind and body function together as integral parts of a whole being.

As a Certified Yoga Therapist and Reiki Master, I have a unique set of skills that address the entirety of the human experience- physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. I do my best to make every beautiful human who enters my studio feel accepted, supported, and heard because healing always happens in the shelter of an accepting relationship. I help people ease into present-moment awareness in a way that’s appropriate to their life. From there, it’s possible to see the patterns shaping your experience. Befriending your self and your body is a transformational act with implications for pain, stress, and trauma.

Private Yoga Therapy

Work one-on-one with me for customized yoga movement, breathing, meditation, and more. I’m experienced working with chronic pain, PTSD, pelvic floor issues, senior health/mobility, and more.

What is Yoga?

For those curious about the deeper meaning of Yoga- the yoga beyond the mat- I present this class as a curious exploration into various translations of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Somatic Yoga Therapy

An 8-week course for healing the body, mind, and spirit after Traumatic Stress, Anxiety, and Depression.

Somatic Yoga Therapy with Jeanette Conery will help you integrate body, mind, and spirit to heal from stress and trauma.
Other classes I would have feared judgement from the class or instructor but not here. I felt safe and able to do what I felt was needed for my mental state and physical body.
— Ell J.

Holy Fire Reiki

Reiki is the perfect way to renew yourself through deep relaxation and rest. In my sessions, I channel the energy of the Universal Mother to access healing on mental, emotional, and physical levels. This makes my work ideal for those needing to heal the mother wound.

Inflexible Yoga

Every Tuesday at 9am

This class is perfect for beginners, those with injuries, or those who are stiff. As long as you can get down on the floor and up again safely, you're welcome in this class. Jeanette will guide you through relaxation, stretching, and strengthening yoga moves giving you lots of options for customization

This class is an essential part of my wellness toolbox.
— Jesse K.

Pelvic Floor Health Workshop

A balanced approach to integrating the deepest part of your core.

In my very first appointment, Jeanette showed me a yoga pose / position that provides immediate relief to my bladder and pelvic floor.
— Darlene G.

Custom Yoga Classes

I’m happy to accommodate groups of any size. Custom yoga classes are great for fun with friends, special events, employee wellness, and any other reason you can imagine. We can use space located in the beautiful Chico Holistic Wellness Center where I work, or your location.

“But I can’t do yoga.”

That’s great! Because this is yoga for people who don’t do yoga. No matter who you are, we can find a way to help you move, breathe, and thrive. If you’d like to find out about my practical, simple style, schedule a free consultation.


What my clients say…

  • “I have suffered from Interstitial Cystitis and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction for 9 years. It has affected my quality of life in so many ways. I was on many medications for chronic pain including valium to ease bladder spasms when they occurred. In my very first appointment, Jeanette showed me a yoga pose / position that provides immediate relief to my bladder and pelvic floor. By doing this, I have been able to eliminate the need for the valium. And since then, I've reduced the doses of my other medications! Jeanette is extremely knowledgeable about my health condition and explains things thoroughly and lovingly. I highly recommend Jeanette to anyone suffering with chronic pain and frustrated with other health issues.”

    -Darlene G.

  • "About ten years ago I started to feel an increasing amount of tightness in my neck and shoulders with decreased mobility. I really wanted to focus on the root cause of the pain and less on just treating the symptoms. Within two weeks of consistently following the yoga routine Jeanette was developing for me, I was starting to feel results with less pain and increased mobility. Thanks to Jeanette, my neck and shoulders are pain free and I have much greater movement in them for the first time in years. Jeanette is a great teacher and healer, and I would definitely recommend her."

    -Curtis Anderson

  • "I've had two sessions with Jeanette. It's been years since I've had relief for this long."

    -Shane Smith

  • "I have been pleasantly surprised with my experience. I have chronic pain from multiple car and home accidents, as well as work related injuries and had resigned myself to learning to live with the pain. I was encouraged to go see Jeanette, because she uses a very gentle approach to get us moving again. The therapy is individualized, she worked with me to breathe into the pain, and is helping me to learn how to manage the pain. She has provided the tools, to assist me in advancing my own self care. She encourages me to keep the lessons that work and discard the ones that don't. I have found my time with her to be beneficial. She is a true therapist, in the best sense of the word."

    -Colleen Spicer

  • "I have been working with Jeanette to improve my posture and strengthen parts of my body that are prone to injury...In the time I’ve worked with Jeanette, my blood pressure has decreased to a more healthy level, I am able to approach my work with clearer focus and purpose, I have significantly reduced my stress level"

    -Jesse Kearns

  • "I attended a private yoga therapy lesson with Jeanette and she’s amazing! I’ve never done yoga before and she started the session addressing my concerns and issues which made me more at ease. She caters each plan specifically towards each client and really does care about you! After practicing my exercises even for a couple days, I’ve noticed less tension on my back and shoulders. Even mentally, her advice impacted me a lot and resonated with me. Definitely recommend her to anyone interested in yoga therapy."

    -Alyssa Maningas

Meet Shambho, the yoga dog.

Shambho is my 4-year-old goldendoodle. He’s a gentle, loving soul who comes to the studio with me most days and offers support and affection to anyone and everyone. He has no ulterior motives, and will wait for permission before approaching new people.