Be kind to yourself.

I offer Holy Fire Reiki, a clean energy of unconditional love and unity. In my sessions, I channel the energy of the Universal Mother to access healing on mental, emotional, and physical levels. This makes my work ideal for those needing to heal the mother wound. My Reiki sessions are also unique because I often use chanting and restorative yoga poses to help your session go deeper. Reiki is the perfect way to renew yourself through deep relaxation and rest.

You can have Reiki in my office or from a distance, whichever suits you. Both are equally effective.

What is Reiki?

“Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s done through touch. A warm and soothing energy flows from the hands into the client, promoting relaxation and releasing tension.”

-William Rand

Is Reiki a religion?

No. Reiki is spiritual in nature, but so is every human being on the planet. It provides love and compassion and promotes physical and emotional healing. Reiki doesn’t conflict with any spiritual beliefs…in fact it’s easily adapted to your preferred spiritual system.

How does it work?

The therapist giving Reiki is opening a flow of universal life force energy into the client. This energy is not the personal energy of the therapist. This is an important distinction, since even the most balanced people still have their own egos and agendas.